Monday, January 27, 2020
Can the media influence politics?
Can the media influence politics? Can the media influence politics? If so, how? If not, why not? There are numerous academic theories as to the relationship between politics and the media, and whether or not one is a dominant partner greatly influencing the output of the other. Some purport that the media hold extraordinary amounts of power in the political arena, however many other believe that the power they wield is in fact minimal (Newton Van Deth, 2009). What cannot be disputed is the idea that the media and its audience are interdependently connected; the media will alter their message to suit a specific audience, while the public are more likely to invest in media which reflects their viewpoints. Generalisation is something which should be avoided when discussing the media’s relationship with politics, as while the term media traditionally may have been used in reference to newspapers and radio or television programmes, (Newton Van Deth, 2009) it now encapsulates social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. There are those who may argue that media simply represe nts the political views of the public, and while that may be true in the cases of social networks, many may challenge its truth in relation to mass media news outlets. In this essay I will attempt to conclude myself as to the extent of influence media has on politics, and evidence how I have come to that conclusion. In the UK, the link between media and politics is undeniable. For a major newspaper to alter its political allegiance is a sizeable change, which would be expected to dominate all forms of media. For example the decision of The Sun, Britain’s most widely circulated newspaper and therefore the focus of my study, to remove its 12 year support for Labour in 2009 created national news, and ultimately forecast the downfall of the Labour government. It is worth noting that The Sun has supported the party that eventually forms the next government in the last 7 General Elections; something which suggests that The Sun hold great influence over the political opinions of their readers. However, in 1997, 2001 and 2005, the Conservative vote was not as effected as one may imagine, with an average32% of Sun readers saying they would vote Conservative through that period (Ipsos MORI, 2010). While this research may suggest that The Sun is a newspaper which will ruthlessly alter its allegiance in order to be on the winning side of an election, I would argue that this is not necessarily the case. In the 1992 General Election for example, The Sun had been consistently anti-Labour and Kinnock, including their infamous ‘If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights’ headline, despite the polls suggesting either a minority Labour government or a very slim Labour Majority. The attacks on Kinnock in the final days of the 1992 campaign were widely regarded as responsible for Labour’s unexpected defeat (McKee, 1995), and even Neil Kinnock himself announced in his departing speech that ‘the Conservative-supporting press has enabled the Tory Party to win yet again when the Conservative Party could not have secured victory for itself on the basis of its record’ (Whitney, 1992). This would be used as an example for the theory of agenda-setting, whereby a media outlet has an opinion which it pushes upon its view ership, and attempts to influence which issues are considered important. Agenda setting is achieved by attaching priority to certain stories which may reflect the opinion which the media outlet wishes to push – in this instance the opinion that a Labour government would have been bad for Britain. Another example of how the mass media have exerted a great influence over British politics, and politics in general is the growth in the publication of scandal within Westminster. Prior to the Profumo Affair in 1963, the media and the public very much stuck to the idea that the private lives of politicians should be exactly that; private. The great public interest in this story however, meant that this affair was the watershed of political scandal, with journalists taking ever further measures in order to reveal the next big scoop. Albeit not immediately followed by a huge stream of revelations, the boundaries of privacy in the lives of politicians had been broken by the media and have not been the same since (Stanyer, 2012). This could be said to be an example of priming with, in the 1990s especially, the scrutiny over the dealings of Conservative politicians from the left-wing press leading to an environment whereby Majors administration was seen to be one full of sleaze and mistru st. This was achieved with revelations such as the Cash for Questions scandal and the backfiring of John Major’s Back to Basics campaign. This is priming as rather than directly stating the conservative ministers were untrustworthy, the media simply dripped out stories to highlight this way of thinking (Newton Van Deth, 2009).The mistrust of Conservatives created by the media environment of the 1990s is perhaps best characterised in the result of the 1997 general election in the historically safe Conservative seat of Tatton, in which the Cash for Questions tainted MP Neil Hamilton lost out to an independent, Martin Bell, standing on an ‘anti-sleaze ticket’ (Mann, 1999). The coverage of scandal can also be used in an argument to suggest that the media has little influence over political thinking. Those who believe in the reinforcement theory which states that ‘mass media can only reflect and reinforce public opinion, not create or mould it,’ (Newton Van Deth, 2009, p. 196) would point to the relatively recent shifts in what journalists publicise in relation to scandal in politics. While prior to the millennium scandal was often focused on the private lives and sexual misdemeanours of the political class, as such behaviour has become normalised in open society, the media has taken less of an interest in it. The public have gone from being shocked by behaviour that may be considered immoral, or not ‘Christian’, to now being shocked by primarily criminal activities. This has directly led to the kind of journalistic research which resulted in the Expenses scandal in 2009. The enormity of this story reflects the moral leanings o f the British people in the 21st century, and was a story picked up by media outlets nationwide – all of which will have held different agendas. Some may say that this proves to an extent that the media cannot control or influence, but merely just publish information which will reinforce public opinion. On a more international scale, it is difficult to ignore the way in which social media forms and revolution have gone hand in hand, specifically in the Arab Spring. It is not a recent idea that the new media of the late 20th and 21st centuries would create new dimensions from which politics can be influenced (Poster, 1995). In Egypt, ‘cyberactivism’ first came to existence in2004, and offered an alternative to the state-controlled media; allowing people to express opinion unpopular with the government. From 2008 onwards, in the shadow of a global economic crisis and an increasingly repressive government, there was a growing number of protests in which a key role has been played by new media forms (Khondker, 2011). It cannot be questioned that social networking was a pivotal player in the organisation and publicising of the protests across the region. One reason for this was the state control of traditional media, which left social media as almost the last voice of the pe ople. On a ground level ‘Facebook was used to schedule the protests’ and ‘Twitter to coordinate’ (Khondker, 2011), and then following on from this traditional media was utilised to present the uprisings to an international audience who in turn supported the uprising. In this case, and similar ones across North Africa, new media held great influence over politics. It mobilised opposition groups, allowing them to build a group identity as well as coherence. The influence that such new media can exert over politics in times of revolution and uprising should not, however, be overstated. It is important to point out that for such events to unfold, certain revolutionary conditions and the inability of the state to react to the actions of the people must be present. In this sense the media is merely a tool of the revolution, not a predetermined necessity for a revolution to occur (Khondker, 2011). Personally I believe that the media, both new and old, does not have a monopoly over the thoughts of the people and instead just provides them with a voice from which their ideas can be spread. The fact that revolutions have occurred throughout history in times before social media, such as the French and Cuban Revolutions, tells me that new media is more of an enabler than a driving force behind such events (Himelfarb, 2011). To conclude, I believe that the influence of the media over politics depends greatly upon the political situation in the region that it is being published. In more politically stable areas, such as the UK, while the media may have a certain agenda their consumers are likely to only access and take note of media that reflects their personal views. Mass media must cater to a certain readership in order to be sustainable as a business, and therefore cannot obviously attempt to mould public opinion. This is evidenced by the fact that in all post war elections but 1, the party with the greatest media support has formed the next government (Butler Butler, 2010). Despite this, the media can play a vital role in influencing politics, as displayed in the aforementioned Arab Spring. I believe this is a sign of the future, in which conventional media will play a comparatively small role to that of social media, in Africa and beyond.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
New Business Plan for a Gas Station Start Up
The customer need that will be satisfied is that my gas station will have gasoline, diesel, and a service station to get the repairs or inspections they will need to have. There will be a free air pump, so they can have the option of filling up their tires. I will also have coffee, snacks and different beverages the customer can purchase as well, so they can also fuel up their bodies as well for the ride they are going to make.The product will be unique by my station having a self service, but also a full service section for customers at no extra cost, but if the customer is getting 5 gallons or less than there will be a slight increase on the price per gallon. I will have two self service gasoline pumps; two full service gasoline pumps that are double sided so that’s make 8 pumps for gasoline. I will have one diesel pump, which the one side will be self service and the other side will be full service.The full service section will have a line on the ground that when they ride over it a bell will ring and the employee will know there is someone waiting to get full service. Along with the full service I will have the employee offer them if they would like their windows to be cleaned, their oil to be checked, and if they would like a beverage or a snack while they are waiting for their fuel. I will also make sure that the pavement is cleaned every day. There will be a canopy to cover the fuel pumps and will make sure there is proper lighting and have some calming music playing while the customer waits.I will have a great color scheme to my gas station to make it stand out. There will be neon lights that will trim the canopy and pumps, so at night it will make it more appealing to the customer and hopefully will draw them in. I will also offer a card that can be scanned at the pump when they pull up that will have a record of their purchases and for every $100. 00 they have spent, not including the service station, I will offer them $. 10 off a gallon. This offer can be accumulated over a month, so depending on how much they spend they can accumulate up to getting $. 0 off a gallon. Though, this offer is only valid for the month pertaining to the purchases they made, so if they do not use the discount then the next month it will be erased and will start over again. The customers that will be coming to my gas station are ones with gasoline, diesel, or even hybrid cars and motorcycles that need to be taken care of. There will even be landscaping and other similar customers coming to filling up their small engines. I will also have customers that will be coming for the service station to get repairs or inspections done to their cars.I will not be able to service 18-wheelers though, but they can still get their diesel. I will also not be able to have a mechanic for motorcycles unless he/she has the proper training along with their automotive training. Their profiles are people who range from the lower upper-class to the middle upper-class. There will be both male and female’s who are coming to the station with their ages being from 18 and up. They’ll be high school and college students along with people who are working and even people who aren’t working that just are getting gas for whatever they are putting the fuel in. In the town my gas station resides, the population is %54. 4 African Americans, %29. 6 Caucasian, %8. 7 Asian American, %4. 3 Hispanic, %2. 4 with two or more races, %0. 2 native Hawaiian and other Pacific islanders, %0. 2 other race, and %0. 1 American Indian, which is a total of 2668 thousand residents†(Advameg, Inc, 2011) These people will be living in the area of my gas station or in the surrounding area of East Lansdowne, PA. They may work in the area at the local stores that surround my gas station. They may work in center city or in the west/south west Philadelphia region.The customer may also work out towards the Springfield mall up Baltimore avenue I may also get people who are going to the gym or going out for the day or night to have a day of fun on the weekend or a day off from their jobs. The customer wants a gas station that will allow them to be in and out as quick as possible so they can continue on with where they are going to go. The customers’ needs are that they feel that this is a place that will take care of them and will treat them with the most upstanding customer service so they will keep on coming back.With the amenities I will provide I will hopefully be going above and beyond their expectations of the service they would receive at another gas station. The customer may need to use the service station, and they’re vehicle will be treated with the proper care it deserves. The Exxon station, located at the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Church lane in East Lansdowne, PA. The Giant supermarket that has a gas station that’s located right by Baltimore avenue and Union avenue in east Lansdowne, PA. The Exxon s tation’s strengths are that they sell cigarettes and have the lottery.They also have a convenience store that you can go inside with an ATM machine in it. Their weaknesses are that there is only one employee that works there. They have an air pump and vacuum section that you have to pay for. They do not have a full service option, nor do they have a service station to work on vehicles or a diesel fuel pump. It also isn’t a very clean or well maintained place. The Giant supermarket’s strengths are that they have the same option of accumulating points from purchases made inside of their supermarket.They also have an entire supermarket that their customers can do their shopping and then head over to the gas pump after with a free air pump as well. Their weaknesses are that in order to get the discount on the gas you have to buy products from their supermarket, whereas at my station the gas is included in the point system. They also do not offer a full service optio n even though there is a gas attendant there to supervise the gas station section. Their other weakness is that the gas station is in the very back of the property so some customer’s may only think there is just the supermarket.They also do not have a service station for repairs, nor do they carry diesel fuel. They Exxon station might try to add a full service feature, but that would be hard with only one attendant there working inside the convenience store. They may to try and make their air pump free for customers. They may also try to add a diesel pump. The Giant supermarket has a little more trouble trying to do a lot of changes because it’s a big company so they’d have to get the OK from the higher ups, but they may also try to add a full service option along with adding the diesel option.I feel neither of them would be able to match the service station part because Exxon has limited room and the Giant probably doesn’t have any intentions of adding t hat because their main focus is the supermarket with the gas being a side thing. â€Å"Sunoco is committed to sustainable business practices. Sunoco adopts business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the business and its stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. †(Sunoco, Inc. 2013) â€Å"A promoter of clean energy alternatives, BJ’s Wholesale Club strives to implement environmentally conscious business practices when possible. BJ’s Wholesale promotes energy efficient methods of harvesting electricity, and many BJ’s stores use solar panels to harvest energy. BJ’s stores also participate in local recycling and waste management programs†¦. Primarily operating from large warehouse-style retail locations, BJ’s Wholesale Club offers club members a wide range of products and services. BJ’s sells everything from food and clothing to ga soline and home office supplies. BJ’s also operates an online store. (BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc, 2013) I plan on being an independent gas station and plan on getting my gas and diesel from the Sunoco/Carlyle Group, which is located at 3144 W Passyunk Ave, Philadelphia, PA. I plan on buying my coffee and snacks from BJ’s, which is located at 1260 E. Woodland Ave. Springfield, PA 19064. I do not want to have a franchise with Sunoco, so it will be considered an â€Å"unbranded fuel†. (Sunoco, Inc. , 2013) I expect the relationship with Sunoco/Carlyle Group to be one that I can have a regular set date or dates that they will come and top off what fuels I need.With BJ’s I just expect to pay their â€Å"BJ’s Business yearly payment of $50 to get the items I need, and with the business card I am able to have my items be tax-exempt and have them available for resale. †(BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. , 2013) The location cost for the property I plan to bu y is $600,000 as is and it’s because it is a closed down gas station. (County of Delaware, 2013) The legalities to having a gas station is that there have to be yearly inspections done by the state to make sure everything is ok.They check the soil for contamination and check to make sure the underground tanks are at the right depth. The state inspectors make sure that each pump is properly working and up to date with the correct parts. â€Å"The ‘U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’ that the pumps are only pumping 10 gallons per minute. †(U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, 1997) They also make sure that all my licenses are up to date and make sure that we are operating under the proper protocols provided by the state. I would want to own and refurbish a facility.There is one at 401 East Baltimore Avenue that has exactly what I am looking for. It was recently a Sunoco station, but all the Sunoco signs and words have been taken down so it looks like a blank slate. It has a three car garage with the lifts still in it and an air pump already in place. The only thing I would have to add is the diesel pump to the facility and to have the underground tank for the diesel to be placed in. I would have to have someone come out and make sure that the pumps work and have someone come in and check out the lifts in the garage to make sure they are up to par as well.I will purchase any necessary parts that the maintenance guys found wrong with the pumps and the lifts in the service station. I will have to purchase the line that runs on the ground for the full service section of the gas station to let the employee know the customer is there. I will also have to invest in the tools required for the service station so that the employees have the proper equipment needed to work on the vehicle. I need to have the signs and all the proper naming of my gas station placed on the property along with the neon lighting. I will purchase the speakers tha t will be playing the calming music for the customers.I will have to get the proper licensing from the state to be able to give inspections to vehicles. I will be open 7 days a week from 5am until 11pm, but the service station will only be open from 8am until 8 pm. I will need to have an employee who is in charge of the cash register and assigning the gas to the right pump. I will need to have a mechanic that will take care of the service station. I will need to hire an employee that can take care of the full service part of the gas station. I will have at least 2 to 3 cashiers that will be able to work part-time shifts.I will need to have at least 2 to 3 mechanics that will be able to work part-time or full-time shifts, but only will need one mechanic available during each shift. If there are days that the service station is overloaded with cars I may need to call in one of the other mechanics to come in and help out. I will need at least 2 to 3 part-time employees that will need t o be in charge of the full service section, but will only need one employee at a time during the shift. I will also be at the gas station from time to time to make sure things are the way they are supposed to be.The cashier person will need to be able to work the cashier and be able to set the right amount of gas to the right pump for the customer with the proper customer service skill to keep the customer happy. The cashier will also have to differentiate whether the person is at the self service or the full service station to make the right adjustments in prices and know about the 5 gallon or less rule. The mechanics will have to give me a proper resume or some sort of certification that they are real mechanics and are able to work on different brand vehicles.The mechanic should be responsible for removing, installing, diagnosing, repairing, disassembling and assembling parts, components and engines while performing all duties according to safety procedures. (Salary. com, 2013) Th e mechanics should know how to properly approach the customer and kindly ask them what it is they need. The employee in charge of the full service station is going to need to be properly dressed in a uniform; while wearing a new pair of gloves for every customer they service.The full service employee will also need to know how to clean the windows properly and be able to check to make sure the oil level is correct in the car if they are asked to check for that. The full service employee will also need to have the best customer service skills to keep the customer pleased and will need to be able to communicate with the cashier on what their total will be when they are asking if they can get the customer a beverage or a snack while the customer waits to be fueled up. The cost of the cashier position per hour will be $8. 00 an hour with the potential to gain a raise every 6 months. (Salary. om, 2013) The mechanics will be working for $18. 00 an hour and also have the potential to get a raise every 6 months and/or if they show they work at a fast rate with quality work being done. (Salary. com, 2013) The full service employee will receive $8. 00 an hour with the potential to gain a raise every 6 months and/or if they show fast, quality customer service. (Salary. com, 2013) At the end of the year, excluding leap years, I would potentially be paying my cashiers’ and full service employees’ $52,560 (gross pay). At the end of the year, excluding leap years, I would potentially be paying my mechanics’ $78,840 (gross pay).Works Cited Advameg, Inc. (2011). East Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Retrieved from city-data. com: http://www. city-data. com/city/East-Lansdowne-Pennsylvania. html BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. (2013). About Us. Retrieved from bjs. com: http://www. bjs. com/about-us. content. about. A BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. (2013). Membership Options/Join. Retrieved from bjs. com: http://www. bjs. com/info. aboutmembership. options County of Delaware. (2013). Delaware County Real Estate Parcels & Tax Records System. Retrieved from w01. co. delaware. pa. us: http://w01. co. delaware. pa. us/publicaccess. asp? unicipality=00&realdistaddress=Submit&HNumber=&Street=a&Folio=&Map=&UAYN=Y Salary. com. (2013). Automotive Mechanic. Retrieved from Salary. com: http://swz. salary. com/salarywizard/Automotive-Mechanic-II-Hourly-Salary-Details. aspx Salary. com. (2013). Cashier. Retrieved from Salary. com: http://swz. salary. com/SalaryWizard/Retail-Cashier-Full-Time-Hourly-Salary-Details. aspx Salary. com. (2013). Job Details . Retrieved from Salary. com: http://swz. salary. com/salarywizard/Automotive-Mechanic-II-Job-Description. aspx Salary. com. (2013). Service Station Attendant.Retrieved from Salary. com: http://swz. salary. com/salarywizard/Service-Station-Attendant-Hourly-Salary-Details. aspx Sunoco, Inc. (2013). Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved from hesreport. sunocoinc. com: http://hesreport. sunocoinc. com/fw/main/Home-1192. html Sunoco, Inc. (2013). Wholesale Marketing. Retrieved from sunocoinc. com: https://www. sunocoinc. com/retail/wholesale-marketing/index U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. (1997, 09 24). the EPA 10 gallon per minuter fuel dispensing limit. Retrieved from epa. gov: http://www. epa. gov/oms/regs/ld-hwy/evap/spitback. txt
Friday, January 10, 2020
Market Structure / Supply & Demand Essay
Monopoly – one person or company dominates provision of a particular product or service, in the absence of competitors. Consumers do not have a choice for provision of the product in question. A monopoly can ‘call the shots’ on their product (price, availability etc.) as there is no alternative on offer to consumers. Monopolists tend to produce a limited number of product which are then sold at a high price (there is no need to compete). (Control of demand) The British Government seeks to restrict the behaviour of monopolies, so preventing unfair business behaviours. Oligopoly – a small number of dominant firms or individuals compete to provide a product or service. Competition is limited and as a result, very closely related. Everything a competitor does directly affects your business. E.g. If one company drops its prices all the other businesses in the oligopoly are affected. Business decisions must always consider competitor’s influence / reaction. An oligopoly may agree to maintain artificially high prices – technically illegal but difficult to prove if nothing is in writing. Duopoly – taken literally a duopoly means 2 firms control a market. In reality is usually means that 2 firms dominate a market by having the biggest share in it. Examples of duopolistic markets include Coca Cola and Pepsi as dominant suppliers of soft drinks. There are many competitors in the field but Coke and Pepsi have such a huge share of the market that they don’t usually see them as competition or influence on their business decisions. Perfect competition – theoretical – as are all the above definitions. Multiple providers offer a wide choice to a broad spectrum of consumers. Consumers benefit from freedom of choice and businesses competing for their custom through competitive pricing and customer service. Supply and Demand The concept of supply and demand is at the heart of a market economy. Prices, earnings, and the supply of goods is determined by the demand for it by consumers. Demand – In economic terms this is the amount of a product (or service) desired by consumers. Supply – The quantity of a product or service a producer is willing to make available to consumers and the price at which they want to sell that product. Demand Curve – a graph showing the correlation (or demand relationship) between the price of a product or service and how many consumers would desire it at different prices (if all other variables are unchanged). It is an attempt to quantify preference. I.e. how much a consumer is willing to pay for something and at what point the cost outweighs the desire. Companies may use this demand relationship as a pricing guide and to determine how much of a product to manufacture, which in turn indicates the level of resources required. The simplest interpretation which can be drawn is that as prices rise, demand drops and vice versa. As we can see from the graphic above, at point A the highest price (P1) reflects the lowest quantity demanded (Q1). Conversely, at point C the number of units in demand (Q3) is much greater when the price (P3) is considerably lower. The downward slope of the curve reflects a negative relationship between price and quantity demanded. I.e. as one factor rises, the other drops and vice-versa. Variables other than price affecting demand. Demography – the statistical make up of consumers (age range, income bracket, education, political persuasion etc.) all influence the demand for goods and services. Income – a rise in income often correlates with a rise in demand for a good. The exception to this is if a good is considered ‘inferior’ – a rise in income may result in a switch to goods considered to be of higher quality. (e.g. ‘plonk’ to fine wine) Substitutes – Supply Curve The basic premise from the supplier’s point of view is that the higher the price a good can be sold for – the more a business will be willing to supply. References 2014. Biz/ed – Interactive Supply and Demand 1 | Biz/ed. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014]. Heakal, R. 2014. Demand Curve. [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014]. Heakal, R. 2014. Supply Curve. [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014]. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- BBC News. 2014. Economy tracker: Inflation. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Apr 2014]. HM Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs. 2013. Government incentives help 1,100 companies lift off. [press release] 7 November 2013. Staff, I. 2012. Economies Of Scale Definition | Investopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014].
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Kurt Voyer Defined The Psychology Of Teamwork - 786 Words
Benjamin Voyer defined the psychology of teamwork in the article. The study of teamwork was originated with the development of social psychology and interest on how groups behave, predominantly as against another group. There were two groups that were discussed in the article that contributed to the study of teamwork. The first group is â€Å"in group†as described as being a member of a group who share a particular interest or activity and defines who you are. The second group was described as a group outside one s own with which one feels no sense of identity. This second group is termed as â€Å"out group†. Hellen Keller’s clichà © enunciates that we can do so little if we are alone and we can do so much if we will work as a team. According to the writer, things can go wrong because power plays a big role in a team. In health care for example, quality and safety are the two big priorities. However, flaws still arise. Typically, the complications arise because of the problems in the team, not with the people’s ability. There was a situation wherein a misunderstanding between the surgeon and the assistant was narrated in the article. There was a misunderstanding due to the fact that the surgeon had just transferred from the other team. It simply tells us that teamwork was not applied in this situation. The author gave emphasis on the importance of developing a team mind. The three C’s were stated in the article pertaining to teamwork. One of which is collaboration that
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