Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Spiritual Exercises Of Ignatius Loyola - 1782 Words
I will explore a few of unique approaches as outlined in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. I will describe my experience of integrating some of the concepts of spiritual direction into my practice. Barry and Connolly in their book The Practice of Spiritual Direction say that, â€Å"we define Christian spiritual direction as help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God and to live out the consequences of the relationship†. Smith says that â€Å"spiritual direction rests on the assumption that each Christian believer has the capacity for an immediate relationship with Christ. This means that the Christian, in real time, encounters the crucified, risen and ascended Lord†. Therefore, my understanding of spiritual direction is that it is an attempt to help Christians to listen to God’s voice, to develop intimate prayer life and relationship with God and to grow in response to God. Ignatius Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises promotes our capacity, through our prayers, to hear Christ’s voice and to use our senses to feel and experience His presence. Smith says, â€Å"Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola is very focus on Jesus – or, more specifically, on the Jesus story: his birth, life, death and resurrection. In prayer and through the guidance of the Exercises, we are drawn into the Jesus story so that our livesShow MoreRelatedSaint Ignatius Loyola And The Spanish Army2008 Words  | 9 PagesSaint Ignatius Loyola was a nobleman whom entered the Spanish army in 1517, but once he meets the French at battle, he gained a viscous battle wound that took him off the front line . 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